2483 statement is a mandatory tax return for French companies, and conducted annually by the latter on the basis of the training conducted in the year N-1.
This statement will be discontinued from 1 January 2015 following the reform of vocational training in the CPF account or staff training, March 5, 2014, decree of October 2, 2014.
2483 tax declaration allows the state to audit all expenditures on vocational training and use statistics to national analyzes.
It also allows you to make a tax exemption to businesses against their party training effort.
These courses can also be followed by the administration as part of career paths.
Complete 2483 statement is not a mere administrative formality. This is actually an act that commits the company vis-à-vis the tax administration, which includes all the statistical information for all charges with their evidence.
Moreover, the control rules of accountability also optimizes the financial participation of the company.
While exploring the legal rules governing the participation of formations of the company in order to control all the mechanisms, training managers or the accounting of the company were required to complete the hand 2483 statement tedious and time consuming work.
Today, the ERP of the FormView training helps secure this and completely automate the 2483 tax return.
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